About Gooseberry Park Players
Our Mission
The mission of Gooseberry Park Players is to provide young people with a unique educational and multi-generational summer theatre experience.
The focus of Gooseberry Park Players is on productions created specifically for youth age 11 through graduating high school seniors. Our productions are based on classic and contemporary dramatic literature designed to intrigue, inform, educate, and entertain a family audience. We believe in providing a theatre opportunity for every child. We are a fee free program – meaning there is no activity fee to participate.
Our Purpose
Provide an opportunity for youth to participate in the entire scope of theatrical productions.
Provide young people with opportunities to develop creative outlets through the experience of drama.
Assist young people in developing self confidence, self esteem, and an understanding of the meaning of commitment and self discipline.
Guide and assist young people in gaining an appreciation of the arts.
2025 Board of Directors
President: Dean Froslie
Past President: DeAnn Hallaway
Vice President: Jennifer Anderson
Treasurer: Jeriann Carvell
Secretary: Kayla Kelly
Managing Artistic Director: Scott Brusven
Board Members: Jana Davis, Jean Hannig, Paula Krogen, Colleen Murray, Jaron Theye, Shannon Woodward